A 4-Week Program for Fundamental Strength Gains
A 4-week program that takes you right up to the end of year with serious gains. This strength cycle should help you prioritize overall squat, pull and press strength. The final week will be a test week...
View ArticleSanta's Little Helper: Up Your 1RM in 4 Weeks
Before the joy of Christmas, here's a weightlifting heavy program for intermediate and advanced users with a max 1RM sign-off. This programs is designed for an intermediate-advanced level weightlifter....
View ArticleMaximize Leg Power with Mobility Routines
You can't get the most out of your legs if your movement patterns are wrong. Focusing on movement efficiency should be a primary aim of any well-constructed strength and conditioning program. Moving...
View ArticleYour Fat Isn't Falling Over Your Genes
Don't believe the naysayers who will tell you everything is beyond your control. From the same newspaper (and author, Gina Kolata) who told you exercise has no impact on bone health comes a new claim:...
View Article45-Day Beach Body Booty? Get Real!
You took decades to destroy your high school body so, don't expect to fix it in 30 or 45 days no matter what you are promised. “Check out our new 30-day detox!”“Sign up for the 90-day paleo...
View ArticleHoliday Sanity: 5 Ways to Stay on Track
You put on the weight this time every year, and it never comes off after. Here's how you can make this holiday season different. A two-month-long eating and drinking frenzy can do havoc to a waist...
View ArticleThe Workout You're Not Doing For Killer Glutes
This workout uses only your bodyweight, mixing it up with elliptical training at varying intensities to push your cardiovascular system and muscles to their max. When it comes to Leg Day, there are two...
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